Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Microsoft buys Skype!

MicroSkype? Or Skyprosoft?? In A Record Cash Deal for a Clean 8.5 Billion(Whoa) Microsoft will own the Leader in Video calling known as Skype!! Now I know your wondering a few things like How it will affect you, especially if you don’t use Microsoft as a whole. Ok If you don’t use Microsoft products, have No Fear, Microsoft has vowed to keep your Skyping Experience to same if not improved! Now here’s the thing, You might want to start using more Micro, because the implications are incredible. Windows will be Skype’d up, Conference at will. Think about the gaming, Xbox integrated with Skype, XboxLive will be Crazy(especially Group Skyping) or using it with Kinect! Even Windows Phone 7 could be Upgraded, instead of dying off, when they drop with the Nokia hardware, it could finally be worth our time!! Skype bounced around for a min now, like goig to Ebay in 2005 which was bought at 2.5 Bil, then they sold it to Silver lake in ’09 for 2.75 Bil, but this has topped them all!! Stay tuned for all of the great things to come out of this deal for Years to come!!!!!

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